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Behind the Newsletter

Published: March 17, 2019

Often, things around us just seem to simply happen. Mail is in our mailboxes, groceries are always in stock, and our latest newsletter is always available for pick-up. Rarely do we consider the people behind these simple occurrences. Friends Homes is blessed to have a handful of people who help to put together our weekly community newsletter. One of those people is Nancy Clark. When Nancy made her move to Friends Homes over 13 years ago, she never thought during her retirement she would become a reporter and writer for a newsletter. Though she received her Bachelor of Arts in English from Sweet Briar College in Virginia, Nancy’s career was within the banking industry. “Originally, two ladies worked on the newsletter,” Nancy said. “But one wanted to stop, so she asked me if I would help.” Nancy now helps to write and put it together to keep other residents, many she calls her friends, in the know about upcoming seminars, recitals, and other news on campus. “We have wonderful people here,” said Nancy. “When I moved here, I knew it was a Quaker-based community, but I wasn’t a Quaker. My neighbors are always so patient with my questions. I’ve learned a lot about the traditions, and I appreciate it so much.” Nancy has called Friends Homes her home for 13 years, following in her mother’s footsteps who lived on campus for 15 years. We are so blessed to call her one of our wonderful residents.

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